How many questions have you inwardly said, "If I were smart...." Well thankfully we don't have to be "smart" to have the answers for some of the hardest questions in life. I believe they are all found in the Bible...the tough part is finding them and then the REALLY hard part is how to put it into words [and I mean more than "just have faith" kind of answers].
I am wrestling with several BIG questions that have been laid on my desk. I most definitely don't feel adequate to answer them [not the "off the cuff" kind of questions]. I'm going to have to search and thing, search and think, search and think... you get the picture. They are all eventually a matter of faith. That is to say, are you going to believe the answer found in Scripture or not? Are you going to be satisfied with a "non-answer" answer if we, as humans, can't possible know the complete answer? These are the tough ones.
Never the less...a searching I will go! Why? So that I might know God better. So I might encourage someone in their faith journey. So that person might have answers for others when they ask the same question. On and on goes the reasons to dig into the Scriptures.
Happy digging!