About Us

Welcome to Keene Evangelical Free Church.
662 F Road, Axtell NE 68924

308-743- 2611
Sunday School @ 9.15am
Morning Worship @ 10.30am

Pastor Matt Snell

Keene Evangelical Free Church is a part of the Evangelical Free Church of America. You can see our Statement of Faith on the national web site: efca.org

Keene E. Free is set within a rural, agrarian society and privileged to minister to the people found within our spheres of influence. Therefore, we believe that our outreach goes far beyond our setting and touches the whole of the world.
We desire to fulfill the Great Command given to us by Jesus...going into all the world to reach all peoples with the Gospel of Jesus Christ; baptizing and making disciples of all who might come to a relationship with Jesus.
We want to be Jesus' hands and feet. We want to go where He takes us to heal, comfort, encourage, teach, etc. whomever He calls to Himself.

Our church family consists of all ages and therefore ministers to all generations. We do this through Sunday School, Youth Groups, Adult Studies, Fellowship, and of course, most importantly...pot lucks!

We would love to get to know you, your family, your friends...come visit. You are always welcome!

Here are some of our "official" ministries:
Keene Women Ministry
S.W.A.T. [Spiritually Willing Active Teens][7th - 12th grade]
Bible Instruction Class [7-8th grade Sunday School]
Children's Ministry [pre-school - 6th grade]
AWANA [2-6th grade community ministry in Axtell, NE]
High School Sunday Morning Class
Adult Studies on Sunday Morning & Wednesday Night
Keene Men Ministry
Vacation Bible School [ministering in the summer]