There is a thought that continues to bounce around in my partially empty are things "new every morning" when one wakes to the same ol things? I get a little melancholy when thinking that things have just chugged along before I was here and they will continue to chug along long after I'm gone. So I sit, and I ponder, and I ask the Lord, "what difference does it make?" Usually the answer is this... "Matthew, I have made you and created you for a special purpose. A purpose no other person has ever had nor will have. It is your task to follow me and allow me to work out that purpose in your everyday life." See the turn of thought? It is His purpose being worked out in me...NOT my purpose being lived out...that is what brings fulfillment and enjoyment of the everyday.
Sit...and ask God what His purpose is today. Now GO and allow yourself to be a vessel of holy use. God's use. Enjoy today's adventure!